Saturday, 21 January 2017

Peace producers establish to appear when Reading Magistrate's court after blocking of an entrance to FEAR

The COURT in Reading is going to judge five peace participants of a campaign for acceptance of nonviolent direct measures, despite several recent cases in which participants of a peace movement have been acquitted, being an arrested at similar protests.

It arrives after five Christian activists have blocked an entrance to Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) to Burgfilde.

Participants of a campaign who are all in their the thirtieth are members of group, Puts the Sword.

They have been accused of "a deliberate barrier of the highway" on June 27, 2016, but say that they affected the religious beliefs and followed Jesus's example of refusal of violence.

The group is going to be poprobovanny when Reading Magistrate's court on January 23, 25 and 26.

However it is not the first case of his look as other group of participants of a campaign who have blocked various entrance on the same day have been already justified.

The judge has found that the police hasn't performed their own main procedures in the considered day.

Last April activists who have blocked an entrance to the London fair of weapon have been found not guilty when the judge has found that they acted reasonably to prevent big crimes.

Defendants will be presented by Mike Schwartz from Bindmans LLP and Cecilia Goodwin from Sonn, Macmillan & Walker which will tell court that activists carried out religious freedom, affecting the Christian principles of active refusal of violence.

Peace Pledge Union (PPU) has shown the support of defendants and declares that recent tests show that more and more people are ready to take nonviolent direct measures against preparations for war. Symon Hill, the coordinator of PPU, has told: "Production of weapon doesn't do us more in safety. It does the world to less safe for all of us, irrespectively the countries in which we live. But it is not ministers, generals and judicial responsibility of dealers in weapon. These are civilians who haven't violently interrupted their terrifying actions".

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