Today Donald Trump became a president. It is strange time to be a woman in America, and it is definitely stranger time to be the young girl who still tries to understand what it means to be a woman in America.
Adults spend a lot of zapudrivaniye of brains of payment of time by the way by which the policy will affect the next generation, thus, we have decided to go to that generation directly. We spoke with group of young girls, between age 7 and 18, and have asked them all the same a question: If you could tell one thing to the new president what it would be? All of them have treated appointment really seriously (one pupil of elementary grades really used an opportunity to offer the national program of distribution of a zephyr — but to be fair, it is not the awful idea).
It is remarkable that national young people, imagining the conversation with the leader of the free world, feeling forced to remind him of the simple schoolyard operate: Be fair. Be good. Don't hurt people. But it is more, than something, this implementation has reminded us that the policy is simple. Adults can discuss a complexity of foreign policy and structure of tax system while they are no more mad, than hell — and they have to because it is how this whole thing works. But it is valid, all of us just want that our country was the good place to live for as it is possible the bigger number of people, and for our president to be noble, receiving, and perhaps a little wise.
Anyway, Mr. Trump, here the fact that girls would like that you knew:
"I would tell, Mr. president when you on duty, I hope that you consider the general point of view and you think of what all were through. Be attentive and to be kind to others. Leadership with pride of your country and all various people in him". — Sofie, 13